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ISO 2859-1 - Sampling rules for attribute control

ISO 2859-1 and quality standards in the packaging industry

ISO 2859-1, an internationally recognized standard for "Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes," serves as a cornerstone for quality standards in the packaging industry. Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), it provides a framework for designing samples intended for the quality inspection of batches of packaged products.

Strengthening AQL in packaging through ISO 2859-1

The objective of ISO 2859-1 is to encourage suppliers to maintain a level of production quality that meets or exceeds the acceptable quality level (AQL) in packaging. The standard employs economic and psychological strategies to promote adherence to the required quality standards in the packaging industry.

Quality assurance and risk management

By adopting ISO 2859-1, stakeholders in the packaging industry minimize the risk of accepting defective batches. The standard aims to reduce the likelihood of errors while acknowledging that isolated incidents may occur, thus ensuring effective risk management.

Statistical approach of ISO 2859-1 for packaging quality inspection

The statistical methodology of ISO 2859-1 is crucial for determining the appropriate sample size for packaging quality inspection. This size is calculated based on batch size, quality expectations, and acceptable risk levels.

Key steps in the sampling process

  1. Determination of the Sample Size: Adapted to the batch size, it ensures a reliable representation for packaging quality inspection.
  2. Sample Inspection: Samples are scrutinized to assess their compliance with quality standards in packaging.
  3. Evaluation of Results: Analysis of inspection results determines the batch's compliance with AQL packaging criteria.

Selection of adaptive sampling plans

ISO 2859-1 offers a variety of sampling plans to meet various risk levels and specific requirements of the packaging industry, allowing for optimal flexibility and precision in quality control.


ISO 2859-1 is an international standard that provides guidelines for sampling and attribute controls to assess the quality of production lots, particularly in the packaging industry.

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