Social DevelopmentSocial Development

Social Development

Social Development

Sustainable development-related issues for packaging have become essential in a context of growing environmental awareness. 
Addressing these issues is crucial for sustainable packaging management, allowing the reconciliation of economic efficiency, environmental protection, and social responsibility.

Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction 

The major challenge is to design eco-friendly packaging to minimize their environmental impact and promote their recycling, reuse, or composting

Sustainable Design

It involves rethinking packaging design by using recycled, bio-based, or lighter materials to reduce resource consumption and CO2 emissions throughout the lifecycle.

Sustainable Design
Circular Economy

Circular Economy 

Promoting a model where packaging is designed to be reused, recycled, or repurposed rather than considered as waste to be disposed of.

Climate Change Impact

Reducing the carbon footprint of packaging by prioritizing more sustainable production methods and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate Change Impact
Responsible Consumption

Responsible Consumption

Raising consumer awareness about the importance of choosing products with environmentally friendly packaging and prioritizing more sustainable packaging solutions.

Elimination of Single-Use Plastics

Promoting the adoption of alternative packaging to single-use plastics to reduce plastic pollution in oceans and ecosystems.
#reuse #Refillable

Alternative Packaging
Technological Innovation in Packaging

Technological Innovation

Investing in research and development of new technologies to create more sustainable, biodegradable, and compostable packaging.

Adherence to environmental regulations

Adhering to current standards and regulations regarding waste management, recyclability of packaging, and environmental protection.

Environmental regulation
Social responsibility

Social Responsibility

Ensuring responsible management of natural resources, promoting fair employment, and enhancing working conditions in packaging production.

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  • 30-32 Rue Capitaine Georges Madon

    51100 Reims

  • +33 3 26 89 50 47

    Mon-Fri 9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00

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